Ethical Service Agreement

I, the Artist, have created the above TOS. I hereby acknowledge that I am agreeing to and am subject to the terms of this agreement. I commit to handling business with the commissioner respectfully, responsibly, and maturely, as well as completing the commission to the best of my ability in the described time frame. I will do my best to follow descriptions and references given, and have disclosed that my artwork is an interpretation of the information provided. In the event an error is made I agree to edit and alter the artwork if the request is within reason. I promise to reward commissioners who's commissions that fall into the extended time frame. Rewards will be at my discretion but will be to the benefit of the commissioner. I will do my best to keep my prices, descriptions, and TOS as clear and concise as possible. I will not revise my prices, descriptions, or TOS without reason or in an unjustified manner. All revisions made will be in protection of both myself and the commissioner. If I decide that a commissioner is eligible for refund, I will refund the correct amount in a timely manner or as soon as I am able. I will also be open to feedback from my commissioners and will take it into consideration when making decisions or revisions to my business in the future.

I, the Commissioner, have read and understand the above TOS and artist agreement. I also understand that the TOS is subject revision at anytime. I hereby acknowledge that I am agreeing to and am subject to the terms of this agreement. I commit to handling business with the artist respectfully, responsibly, and maturely, as well as paying the amount requested by the artist, through channels approved by the artist, and in a timely manner or as decided and agreed upon with the artist. I understand that I am only eligible for a full refund if the commission is not started. I also understand that once a commission has started, I will not receive my deposit of 50% back. I also understand that once a commission's progress has reached 50% completion or more that I will not be refunded for any reason and that the artwork will be completed. I will do my best, when requesting a commission, to provide viable references and descriptions to the artist and acknowledge that they are human and may make errors. If I am unhappy with the artist or artwork at anytime for any reason, I am aware that I am allowed to request the artist to alter or edit my commission within reason at the artist's discretion and that any extensive alterations or edits will be at additional cost. Overall I understand and acknowledge that the commission I requested is the artist's best interpretation of the information I have provided and due to style, skill level, and other variable factors, the resulting commission may or may not be as desired or as imagined. Even so I agree that I will accept the resulting commission "As-Is".I recognize that the commission I requested is a personalized/customized artwork created with the artist's time, effort, skills, and materials using information and details provided by me. Due to the nature of commission work, I acknowledge that my request is a luxury and that the artist is not a retail store where I can return or exchange my purchase and that any decisions made in consideration of that are at the artist's discretion. I understand that my selection of this artist are due to personal preference or at the recommendation of another and that all items created are "As-Is".***"As-Is" in this case is define by an artist selling a commission or service, and the commissioner purchasing a commission or service and accepts the result in the promised condition/detail as agreed upon by the commissioner and artist. Once item is delivered, the commissioner is allowed to request edits/alterations at that time as long as requests are made within reason. Any extensive edits or alterations will be at additional cost. After that time the Commissioner accepts the commission in whatever condition it presently exists, "with all faults", whether or not immediately apparent. Any edits that are requested after that will be at additional cost. The artist is then released of further responsibility at the end of the transaction.

best wishes!